What Is The Spehar Initiative?

The Spehar Initiative is a family-driven venture, rooted in the values of community, education, and the belief in the power of giving back. Founded by a dedicated husband and father of two incredible girls, we embarked on this journey after recognizing the need for more meaningful education for our children. Our story is one of commitment to our family, our community, and our shared belief that success is attainable when grounded in principles.

Family-Centred: We are a family-first organization. As devoted parents, we have made the decision to homeschool our children to ensure that they receive a comprehensive and values-driven education.

Education for All: We believe that quality education is the foundation of personal growth and success. We are committed to providing support to families seeking alternative educational options.

Community Strength: We embrace the idea that communities thrive when they work together. We actively engage in community-building efforts, fostering connections and collaboration.

The Power of Giving: We operate on the principle of giving as you would like to receive. We encourage acts of kindness and generosity within our community and beyond, believing that these actions create a ripple effect of positive change.

Principled Living: We promote a life guided by principles and we believe that living by these principles leads to personal and collective success.

Where It Began...

The Spehar Initiative is a testament about our personal development journey that sparked a transformative shift in our lives, the lives of our children and others around us. All of this began while our kids were in the private school system. We thought that by sending them through that route, we were giving them a head start to get them on the path to success. But reality hit hard when we noticed that they were not getting the support that they needed in their formative years.

Motivated by a determined desire to ensure that we did what is best for our girls, we took a courageous step. In 2020 we made a bold move and opted to begin educating our children at home. We wanted the best for our kids and our decision was rooted in the belief that as their primary educators, we held the key to shape a legacy different from the predefined path that we were already on. But to direct our family towards a brighter future, we had to change ourselves first. Ultimately, kids are a direct reflection of their parents.

It was through this process of change that we witnessed the potential in our kids and within ourselves. We recognize that change is not just a nice idea, it's something real and practical if you have the right tools and support. But our journey isn't just about personal growth. It's about purpose and giving back.






Where It Began...
The Principled Life with Leah • Most Recent

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